Acupuncture is a treatment derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine and uses very fine, single use, sterile needles in specific points to help regulate and rebalance Qi (energy). This creates a route for energy to flow freely throughout the body, assisting any disruptions and imbalances to the flow of Qi, and provide nourishment to the body. Acupuncture has been used to treat disease safely and effectively for thousands of years.
A non-invasive treatment using fine needles on the face to improve skin, mind and body. This encourages blood flow, reduces puffiness, and stimulates the flow of Qi. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes your external appearance reflects your internal health. The practice of Mien Shiang, also known as Chinese face reading, is used to analyse your physical and emotional health, determining any internal imbalances. Facial points are used to improve headaches, jaw tension, allergies, sinus issues, digestive disorders, stress and anxiety.
Cups are applied to the body using suction with either heat or air. The vacuum effect helps improve blood circulation to the area and relieves pain and tension, improves mobility, and reduces inflammation while increasing the healing process. This therapy promotes relaxation and is an alternative to deep-tissue massage. Cupping therapy has been used for centuries to treat a wide variety of health issues such as chronic pain, and traditionally used for cold and flu symptoms and lung issues like asthma.
Moxibustion, or “moxa”, is a form of heat therapy where a dried plant called Mugwort is burned on or near acupuncture points. The heat spreads through the body providing a relaxing effect and helps improve the flow of Qi to help with health issues such as chronic pain, fatigue, menstrual cramps and digestive troubles. It can also be used to protect against cold and flus. Moxibustion is best known for its exceptional results in turning breech babies and is recommended by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
The term Gua Sha translates to "scraping sand" and is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that involves scraping the skin with a tool, such as a smooth-edged jade stone, to stimulate the microcirculation of the soft tissue. Gua Sha moves stagnant Qi that causes pain, increases blood flow, reduces inflammation, and stimulates the lymphatic system.
You may receive some clinical massage techniques such as deep tissue work or trigger point therapy prior to any acupuncture needling. This warms and loosen the muscles, allowing blood flow to the region when treating muscular skeletal injures and pain. This also allows the nervous system to relax which benefits emotional stress that has manifested in the body as muscle tightness.
Traditional Chinese Medicine believes in the energetic nature of foods and herbs, and healthy eating habits are the foundation of good health. Eating foods and herbs that balance the energy in your body is key, and by understanding your own constitution you can consume a diet that is tailored to you and medicinally beneficial. A thorough Chinese medical diagnosis at your initial consultation will allow this. An example is that ginger is energetically warming in nature, and if you often feel cold then it may be recommended to consume more of this.
Traditional Chinese Medicine treats the whole body holistically, and we believe everything is connected. This list is not exhaustive and there is plenty of information available, including clinical trial evidence to support acupuncture treatment for various conditions that I can share with you. Please get in touch if you are unsure and want to discuss how I can help.
- Chronic pain
- General musculoskeletal pain such as back, neck, shoulder, knee and joint pain
- Migraines and headaches
- Sports injuries
- Post surgical recovery
- Sciatica
- Tendonitis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
Traditional Chinese Medicine treats the whole body holistically, and we believe everything is connected. This list is not exhaustive and there is plenty of information available, including clinical trial evidence to support acupuncture treatment for various conditions that I can share with you. Please get in touch if you are unsure and want to discuss how I can help.
- Hormonal imbalances
- Painful, irregular or heavy periods
- Endometriosis
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Menopause symptoms and support
- Pregnancy symptoms and support
- Miscarriage support with physical and emotional recovery, and cycle regulation
Traditional Chinese Medicine treats the whole body holistically, and we believe everything is connected. This list is not exhaustive and there is plenty of information available, including clinical trial evidence to support acupuncture treatment for various conditions that I can share with you. Please get in touch if you are unsure and want to discuss how I can help.
- Natural conception support
- IVF/Assisted conception support
- Male fertility including low sperm count, sperm quality, stress-related issues
Traditional Chinese Medicine treats the whole body holistically, and we believe everything is connected. This list is not exhaustive and there is plenty of information available, including clinical trial evidence to support acupuncture treatment for various conditions that I can share with you. Please get in touch if you are unsure and want to discuss how I can help.
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Crohn’s disease
- Celiac disease
- Colitis
- Constipation and diarrhoea
- Abdominal pain, gas, bloating and nausea
- Heartburn and acid reflux
Traditional Chinese Medicine treats the whole body holistically, and we believe everything is connected. This list is not exhaustive and there is plenty of information available, including clinical trial evidence to support acupuncture treatment for various conditions that I can share with you. Please get in touch if you are unsure and want to discuss how I can help.
- General relaxation and wellbeing
- Stress, anxiety and depression
- Sleep issues and insomnia
- Chronic fatigue and energy issues
- Immunity issues with frequent colds and flu
- Urinary issues
- Seasonal allergies
- Respiratory issues
- Autoimmune disease
- High blood pressure
- Weight issues or obesity, when coupled with diet and exercise
- Addictions to nicotine, alcohol and drugs
Traditional Chinese Medicine treats the whole body holistically, and we believe everything is connected. This list is not exhaustive and there is plenty of information available, including clinical trial evidence to support acupuncture treatment for various conditions that I can share with you. Please get in touch if you are unsure and want to discuss how I can help.
Symptom management for the negative side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, including fatigue, generalised pain, dry mouth, peripheral neuropathy, nausea and vomiting.
The number of acupuncture sessions needed depends on the condition being treated, the severity, and how your body responds. We will discuss a treatment plan during your initial consultation, and agree how to work together. You know your body best and I will always listen to how you are feeling. Healing is not linear and an on-going process.
Once the condition has improved, many people move to monthly maintenance treatments for managing their condition and general wellbeing.
Based conveniently at MACPool Activity Hub on Oban Road in Lochgilphead, Argyll. Sessions are available 5 days a week (Tuesday to Saturday), with evening appointments available on Thursdays.
During this appointment you will receive an initial consultation and your first treatment. This will include:
- A full health and medical history
- A physical examination of problem areas if required
- A posture assessment if required
- A treatment plan
- Traditional Chinese Medicine diet and lifestyle advice
- Acupuncture treatment
A follow up treatment will include:
- A health review
- Traditional Chinese Medicine diet and lifestyle advice
- Acupuncture treatment
A facial acupuncture treatment includes:
- A skin consultation with traditional Chinese face reading
- Facial acupuncture
- An acupressure head massage
- Gua sha and facial cupping using locally sourced products from Zing Organics
- Traditional Chinese Medicine diet and lifestyle advice
Please note: If you have had facial Botox or fillers in the last 12 weeks you cannot receive facial acupuncture.
Acupuncture treatments can be covered by many private healthcare insurance companies, however, please check with your provider that you are covered first. As a British Acupuncture Council member, Nina can provide you with a receipt to claim for your treatment if you are eligible.
Please see the British Acupuncture Council’s Private Healthcare Providers List for more information.